
Winning Postmodern Souls to Christ

Part 2

The Postmodern way of Thinking and Modus Operandi


While there are growing churches in both urban and country settings, church-goers and students today are actually less likely to keep a Christian worldview than in the past. In fact, the greater part of our contemporary society today does not even believe in absolute truth. A modern-day disciple of Christ out of touch with this culture is like an uninformed missionary trying to teach in a foreign country. To share God’s Word effectively in the twenty-first century, soul-winners need to know how to connect with and confront a society of postmodern thinkers. In this seminar, Pastor Christian Martin shows how we can reach the present age with the everlasting gospel.

Parent Series

Winning Postmodern Souls to Christ

Parent Conference

GYC 2019: By Many Or By Few


Generation. Youth. Christ. (GYC)


January 2, 2020, 10:45 AM

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