Mark Sandoval

Mark Sandoval

15 Teachings

One day Dr. Mark was confronted with a sobering reality: he knew almost nothing about medical missionary work. After 21 years of education in the Adventist system, 3 years of specialty training, and several years of clinical practice, this was his reality. At this point, he began his quest to learn true medical missionary work. Initially, this quest led him to leave his conventional medical practice to pursue further education in medical missionary work at Uchee Pines Institute. But while at Uchee Pines, his interest turned to education. How could he complete so many years of schooling and miss the real point of medical education? What was wrong with the current education system that could explain this failure? To discover the answers to these questions and more, he began to study the books Education, Fundamentals of Christian Education, The Bible, and various works on the history and function of Madison College. His passion is to fashion medical missionary education after the fundamental principles of education as outlined in God’s inspired writings, and to inspire others to pursue education according to God’s design.

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