

Part 1

The Potential Global Impact of a Local Dental Office


As dental providers it is very easy to focus our existence on our families, our practices, our staff, and our patients. This presentation aims to explore how global initiatives can enhance the attendee’s practice and life. During this presentation the attendee will:

Appreciate the privileges God has bestowed on us both in education and the portability of our specialty in healthcare.Recognize that while dentistry and American society as a whole are trying to navigate through the negative effects of Covid-19 pandemic, we are called to remember and help those on a global scale, who have to navigate through this pandemic with little to no resources.Learn how our private practices, alone or in collaboration with other organizations, can provide not only dental treatment, but also “whole person” care, to the underserved throughout the world.

Parent Series


Parent Conference

AMEN 2021: While It Is Day


Adventist Medical Evangelism Network (AMEN)


October 29, 2021, 2:00 PM

Copyright ⓒ2021 Adventist Medical Evangelism Network (AMEN).

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