
Breakout Session A

Part 2

Salty: Helping Patients Thirst for the Gospel


OBJECTIVES 1. Demonstrate how adequate spiritual conversations between providers and patients is a beneficial component of the provider/patient relationship. 2. Uncover aspects of U.S. healthcare systems and medical practice that prevent adequate spiritual conversations between providers and patients. 3. Share from personal experience aspects of foreign mission practices that prevent adequate spiritual conversations between providers and patients. 4. Highlight the need for personal spirituality as a vital prerequisite to adequate spiritual conversations between providers and patients. 5. Discuss ways to help patients recognize their need of the gospel. 6. Demonstrate how to fulfill that need once it is recognized.

Parent Series

Breakout Session A

Parent Conference

AMEN 2019: Christ in You


Adventist Medical Evangelism Network (AMEN)


November 1, 2019, 2:00 PM

Copyright ⓒ2019 Adventist Medical Evangelism Network (AMEN).

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