
General Sessions

Part 9

In His Presence


In our Sabbath School discussion, we focused on the biblical concept of the “Presence of God” filling each of our lives. But the question remains: How does this happen? What does it take to experience the fullness of God’s presence in our lives? Are there some practical principles that especially apply to medical professionals to ensure that each day is a day spent living in the presence of God? Sabbath evening’s meeting will be divided into two parts. First, a candid class discussion on our need as health professionals to live daily in the presence of God and the steps to accomplish a renewed experience with God. Second, Pastor Finley’s message will challenge us to live moment by moment in God’s presence. Our AMEN Conference will climax with a commitment service to daily experience the joy and power of living in the light of eternity.

Parent Series

General Sessions

Parent Conference

AMEN 2023 Conference: In His Presence


Adventist Medical Evangelism Network (AMEN)


October 28, 2023, 7:00 PM

Copyright ⓒ2023 Adventist Medical Evangelism Network (AMEN).

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