
SeedPod Kids September 2022

Part 23

Up and Down Years Part 5


I like to play on a teeter-totter at the park! It’s so fun to go up and down, up and down! If you have someone on the other end who weighs about the same as you do, it’s even more fun because it’s like you hang in space! The Children of Israel were living life on a “teeter-totter”. They would follow God and He would give them blessings and life was looking up! But then they would turn away from God, and start experiencing the consequences of their sins and life would be rotten. Back and forth, back and forth, up and down, up and down. But God was so patient with them. He still loved them, even when they were disobeying.

Parent Series

SeedPod Kids September 2022

Parent Conference

SeedPod Kids


Starting with Jesus


September 29, 2022, 6:00 AM

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